For 1.12 and older, use the Minecraft 1.14.3 preset.If split screen doesn’t work, try the other preset (after restarting the instances). For versions 1.13 to 1.14.2, use Minecraft Alternate.For Minecraft 1.14.3 and higher, you should use the Minecraft 1.14.3 preset.In options, select the preset and click Load.See how to install Universal Split Screen in the Quick Start guide. (Minecraft 1.14.4 or higher) Make sure to disable Raw input in Options -> Controls -> Mouse settings.

Alternatively, you can connect to any server (with multiple Minecraft accounts) or an ‘Offline’ server (if you have one Minecraft account). The other player can join from the multiplayer menu. Start a singleplayer world and open to LAN in the pause menu. Make sure the games are running in windowed mode.

Change account in the top-right corner, then repeat for the second instance.